
Detecteur de Metaux

CEIA is expanding its reach with a new subsidiary in Australia

CEIA is delighted to announce the launch of the latest subsidiary to the group, CEIA Pacific Pty Ltd (CEIA Pacific). As of the 1st of January 2024, CEIA Pacific will provide sales, service, and customer support to public (federal, state, and local governments) and private sector customers in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Pacific Islands.

CEIA Pacific will focus on three key markets of the CEIA group: Security & Loss Prevention, Healthcare Series for MRI Safety and Ground Search Detection.

CEIA Pacific's Head Office and Distribution Centre are strategically situated in Sydney, Australia, featuring a training facility for technical training and product demonstration.

Across its vast geographical reach, CEIA Pacific will provide technical and sales support, alongside efficient spare part distribution to its local partners, distributors, and end users.

Mr. Oliver Georgelin, the newly appointed Managing Director, has expressed his excitement about the opportunity, saying, "I am honoured to take on this role at CEIA Pacific and to be part of the CEIA family. I look forward to collaborating with our talented new team here and to contribute to CEIA's growth in the region."
Detecteur de Metaux

Oliver Georgelin new Managing Director for CEIA Pacific Pty Ltd in Sydney, Australia

CEIA is pleased to inform that it has engaged Mr. Oliver Georgelin, (42 years old, married, two children) as the Managing Director of the newly created subsidiary of the group, CEIA Pacific Pty Ltd.

Mr. Georgelin brings to this role two decades in sales and marketing, specializing in products, services, and complex solutions tailored for businesses and governments. His experience spans various markets and industries, including public security, law enforcement, correctional services, defense, government critical infrastructures, airports, hospitals, and logistic hubs.

Over the past decade, Mr. Georgelin has successfully led numerous bids for security screening equipment. His expertise has been instrumental in securing successful delivery and support in government buildings and airports throughout the Asia Pacific region. Notably, for the last three and half years, Mr. Georgelin has been the representative of the CEIA brand in Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business with a major in Marketing from ACU, a Post-Graduate Certificate in Asian Studies from Murdoch University, and an Executive MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management at UNSW Business School.
Detecteur de Metaux

CEIA investiert in zukünftiges Wachstum: Großflächiger Neubau verbindet Tradition mit Moderne und ermöglicht vertiefte Servicedienstleistungen der CEIA GmbH

Zum 01.04.2022 zieht die CEIA GmbH in ein neu errichtetes Firmengebäude in der Peter-Sander-Str. 37A, 55252 Wiesbaden im Stadtteil Mainz-Kastel. Neben großflächigen Showrooms und Büroräumen, wurden für einen verbesserten Kundenservice umfangreiche Werkstatt, Trainings- sowie Laborbereiche eingeplant und mit modernstem Equipment ausgestattet.

„Um auch in Zukunft gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden zu wachsen, haben wir uns für den Bau unseres neuen Firmengebäudes entschieden. Bei der Planung wurde der Fokus insbesondere auf verbesserte und moderne Beratungsmöglichkeiten, Dienstleistungen und Services gelegt. In Summe werden wir unseren Kunden ein intensiveres und detailreicheres Erlebnis unserer Technologie, der Produkte und unseres Leistungsversprechen bieten können. Wir sind stolz, diesen wichtigen Schritt in der Geschichte der CEIA GmbH nun gehen zu können.“, so Dr. Hilmar Walde, Geschäftsführer der CEIA GmbH.

Auf 2000qm werden mittelfristig bis zu 30 qualifizierte Mitarbeiter/innen vor Ort die Zukunft der CEIA GmbH gestalten. Im Fokus der Planung stand dabei, sich mit dem Neubau bestmöglich auf zukünftige Kundenanforderungen vorzubereiten und die bauliche Identität der CEIA Group auch in Deutschland beizubehalten.

„Das Gebäude verbindet die Tradition unseres Unternehmens mit den Anforderungen der Moderne. Ich persönlich freue mich ganz besonders, unseren Mitarbeitern/innen mit dem Neubau eine verbesserte, zeitgemäße und flexible Arbeitsumgebung bieten zu können. Durch die Labore, Trainingsräume, den Werkstattbereich sowie die deutlich verbesserte Logistik werden wir unsere Stärken in Zukunft noch besser ausspielen. Wir können es kaum erwarten, unsere Neuentwicklungen in nächsten Jahren mit unseren Kunden in die Praxis zu bringen.“

„Gerne lade ich Sie ein, sich selbst ein Bild unseres neuen Standortes zu verschaffen. Wir hoffen, bestehende Kundenbeziehungen durch unsere erweiterten Beratungs- und Serviceangebote zu vertiefen und durch neue Produktsegmente und Entwicklungsprojekte weitere Partnerschaften aufbauen zu können.“
Detecteur de Metaux

CEIA‐Limited is pleased to announce the recently awarded BSI 9001 Quality Management System accreditation which was issued during August 2015.

CEIA‐Limited is pleased to announce the recently awarded BSI 9001 Quality Management System accreditation which was issued during August 2015.
We consider this management system to be a very important tool in the running of a company that insists in achieving and maintaining the highest standards in customer care and commitment, CEIA‐Limited who began trading from its UK office in August 2013 are very pleased with our year on year growth and 2015 was the perfect time to put the company through the accreditation process.
May we take this opportunity to thank all our customers and we look forward to giving further support in the future.
Assuring you of our best attention at all times.

Jeff Cook
Company for Electronic Industrial Automation (CEIA) Limited

Trading address:
Unit 4. Tything Park, Tything road East
Arden Forest Ind Est Alcester, Warks
B49 6ES - United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1789 868 840
Detecteur de Metaux

CEIA is pleased to announce the opening of the newly formed UK affiliated company acting as main distributor branch located in Warwickshire which began trading in August 2013, Company for Electronic Industrial Automation (CEIA) Limited directed by Mr Jeff Cook

CEIA is pleased to announce the opening of the newly formed UK affiliated company acting as main distributor branch located in Warwickshire which began trading in August 2013, Company for Electronic Industrial Automation (CEIA) Limited directed by Mr Jeff Cook:

“I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and may I say that as the UK main distributor we are looking forward to working very closely with new and existing CEIA customers and may I reassure you all of our total support and assistance, our aim is to continue to promote new and upcoming products in England and Ireland.

We shall be displaying a wide range of the latest CEIA security screening and ground search products within our offices and should any CEIA dealers wish to visit with their clients for demonstrations and product discussions we would welcome the opportunity.

My role as CEIA UK Managing Director is to ensure the continual strengthening of the brand, the developing of the distribution network and the quality of service and technical support given within security detection and underground search applications in England and Ireland.

Assuring you of my best attention at all times.”

Some information about CEIA
CEIA is a leading manufacturer of Security and Ground Search Metal Detectors with more than 40 years of experience. CEIA Metal Detectors for airport security comply with the requirements specified by the competent authorities providing automatic detection of metal targets/threats over the entire body, even in cavities, and the maximum flow-rate thanks to unsurpassed discrimination of personal metal belongings. In order to increase the security and the throughput of an Airport Security Checkpoint, additional equipment provided by CEIA are the PD140/PD240 series Hand-Held Metal Detectors, the SAMD Shoe Analyzer and the EMA type A and type B Liquid Explosive Detection Systems (LEDs).
Detecteur de Metaux

CEIA GmbH fully operational on the German Security Market

The youngest affiliated company of CEIA is now fully operational in the German market as a new strategic point of contact in the central Europe.

Born on April 2010 in Eltville, near Frankfurt, CEIA GmbH is supporting German authorities and customers and will participate to the main security exhibitions and conferences that take place in Germany. The first one is “European Police Congress” in Berlin from February 15th to 16th.

CEIA GmbH is able to give fast technical support to local customers, in their own language achieving a rising customer satisfaction.

CEIA GmbH can offer all the Security Equipment produced by CEIA.

CEIA is a leading manufacturer of Security Metal Detectors with more than 40 years of experience. CEIA Metal Detectors for airport security comply with the requirements specified by the competent authorities providing automatic detection of metal targets/threats over the entire body, even in cavities, and the maximum flow-rate thanks to unsurpassed discrimination of personal metal belongings. In order to increase the security and the throughput of an Airport Security Checkpoint, additional equipment provided by CEIA are the SAMD Shoe Analyzer and the EMA Bottled Liquid Scanner.

For Cargo Screening CEIA also offer a solution that will drastically improve the screening of non-metallic commercial cargo such as produce, seafood, meats, printed materials, flowers and apparel. The EMIS (Electro-Magnetic Inspection Scanner) quickly and accurately screens packages or pallets using a harmless, low intensity electromagnetic field to ensure there are no explosive devices hidden within. This method of inspection does not require visual interpretation of an image, unlike typical x-ray scanners. Threats can be identified throughout the entire stack of cargo minimizing operator interaction with the goods.

For any support you may need in Germany, you can contact:

Rohrbergstr. 23
D-65343 Eltville am Rhein
Tel. +49 (0) 6123 790 86-0
Fax +49 (0) 6123 790 86-20